Adult Programs

(revised 2/15/25)

We are offering some great programming for members and non-members alike for this 2025 outdoor season!  Check out our programs below and come out and get your game on soon!

Drill Clinic

Purely based on stroke production, and shot placement. Most of this clinic will be pro-feeding, and correcting stroke errors. Little to no instruction on strategy. Great for players who want to practice their shots or correct mechanical errors. Member price is $15, Price for Non-Members is $30.

TUESDAY 6-7pm      Night Stroke Clinic 
THURSDAY 9-10:30am        Morning Stroke Clinic 1.5 hr clinic ($20/$35)
FRIDAY 9-10am          Cardio Tennis

Tennis Round Robins

Here is a chance for players to just get out and play!  $20 Members/$35 non-members

THURSDAYS    7:00pm – 9:00pm Advanced Men’s Round Robin

Tennis in the Morning

THURSDAYS  9am-10:30am Morning Stroke Clinic $20 Member/$35 Non-Member
FRIDAY 9-10am          Cardio Tennis $15 Member/$30 Non-Member

Reserve your spot today!

Tennis 101/Try Tennis/Couch to Court/Try Play/Tennis 201 – Beginner Programs for Adults

Always wanted to learn to play tennis or haven’t played in many years? Come join us at Hendersonville Racquet Club and get taught by our best tennis professionals that will get you playing better ASAP!

Try Tennis Four Weeks couch to court program.  Four 1.5 hour clinics, adult tennis racquet, Try Tennis t-shirt…all for just $40!!! Sign up for our next session by CLICKING HERE!

Try Play Try Play is a fun and engaging 6 hour program offered as a follow-up to Try Tennis. It allows players to learn the ins-and-outs of playing a tennis match. These play-to-learn sessions consists of 50% play and 50% instruction, allowing you to play a match with little to no assistance when you are done.

This program is most ideal for Try Tennis graduates and beginner tennis players, that have very little match play experience, who are rated 2.5 and below, and are not necessarily registered with the USTA.  CURRENTLY OUT OF SEASON

HRC Academy – Adult Strategy Classes

Master’s Class – Group of 2,4,6, or 8 people playing sets. Pro instructs on point strategy, and strategical errors after point. Little to no focus on stroke production. Great for players who are excellent in practice, but struggle in pressure point play. Also great for players who want strategy based instruction. AVAILABLE AS PRIVATE SESSSIONS CURRENTLY

If one person shows up for a session, the class will be 30 minutes.  Two people, 45 minutes.  Three or more, class goes on as scheduled.  Get out there and get your game on! 

Upcoming Special events

Here are the traditional annual events HRC does.  Look for announcements on the front page of the website (members get an email) for specifics.

March 7-8 Winter Blast Fast4 Indoor Tennis Tournament

September 14-17  Hosting Apple Open USTA Tournament (benefiting the Henderson County Community Tennis Association)

2025 Dates and events TBA


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